Hunnah just wants appreciation
Hunnah is the type of woman that sets your soul on fire with her passion-filled lyrics and powerful presence. She makes music for fierce individuals that wake up ready to take on the world by being unapologetically them and still relaying that there is strength in vulnerability. If you want to get to know more about Hunnah then this is the piece for you!
Growing up, the Canadian native began writing music when she was 8 years old and continued to grow and develop her craft into her older years. While studying Journalism at Carleton University she had begun posting covers of popular songs on Youtube that began to gain traction, leading her to pursue music seriously after graduating. After meeting some people in Los Angeles through her popularity online, she began to make demos thus jumpstarting her music career.
Songwriting for Hunnah is like showing her spirit for the world to see. She writes from a place of deep emotion and feeling in a way that is relatable to many of us in the world. She can never write music that is inauthentic to her, seeming as she herself is authentic in everything that she does. “Broken Pieces” off of her first EP named after aforementioned song, is a perfect representation of her writing based on her strong emotions. As someone who is used to portraying herself as a person with a certain level of togetherness, she really allowed her vulnerability to shine through on this track. Writing was “freeing and cathartic” for her which is why it was her favorite song on the project. The EP was mostly comprised of songs about her mother who had passed away a year before she released it.
“My songwriting process is honestly very emotion driven. It’s usually like I’m feeling something and I don’t know how else to express it.”
Hunnah was influenced by many artists growing up including, but not limited to Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, Tina Turner, Alicia Keys, and Mariah Carey. She’s inspired by a variety of styles and tastes that not only shape her sound, but her perspective as well. She doesn’t want to perceived as the black woman who’s “hard to work with,” but she also doesn’t want to have her boundaries continuously crossed. Mariah Carey inspires her because she likes that she portrays that “diva” status yet doesn’t care to change for anyone no matter what they say. Hunnah lets her creativity shine through with her unique hair, makeup, and style. She describes herself as very hands on with the things that she works on, so she makes her own clothes and does her own hair in a way that’s best suited for her.
She touches more on the subject of black women in her song “Appreciate” off of her newly released project “Unloved.” She discusses how her conversations with other black women about feeling unseen and unappreciated in romantic spaces turned into a song because she felt that they should be seen not only for their physical beauty, but for everything that they are. This is definitely reflected in her music video for this song where she displays black people with her on screen “feeling themselves.”
For upcoming artists, Hunnah wants you to just continue to be yourself. She explains that it’s easy to get pulled away from you art and music when you’re so caught up with everything else and can sometimes get pulled into songs that possibly weren't of interest. She applies her own advice to her life by refusing to compare herself to other artists that could drag her into that negative headspace.
“You’re entering an industry where a lot of people will try to tell you who you are, and what you should make, what your art should sound like, and what you should look like. So I think having a strong sense of self is honestly the most important thing.”
If Hunnah inspires you with her words, then you can check out her latest EP “Unloved” to hear more about her perspectives!
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