Breadcouch - ‘Butterflies’ EP out now!

Gulie Carrington: Thanks for giving me your time, it’s so nice to meet you! First question, how did you become “Breadcouch”? What was your “aha!” moment that made you decide to pursue music?
Breadcouch: I met this guy, Tyrel the Well Treated, while living in Madison, and he invited me out to perform at an open mic his hip hop group, Supa Friends, was hosting. I played this old song, SUCK ON MY DICK, and someone’s granny was in the crowd screaming along and bumping, and I completely lost it. There were only like 15 people in the crowd but after performing I knew I was meant to do this. As corny as it sounds, nothing in my life has ever felt more right than when I was up on that stage
Shouts out Supa Friends!
GC: That’s awesome! I love that someone you may think wasn’t in your demographic was jamming out to your stuff!
Who are your influences?
Also: What do you listen to day to day? What are you currently bumping?
BREADCOUCH: My biggest influences gotta be Childish Gambino, Portugal The Man, and Mac Miller.
I’ve been super into Smino and Doja Cat right now and also Carole King!
GC: Ahhhh Smino is amazing! Love ‘KLINK’ lol and that whole NOIR project.
I miss Mac so much 😪
BREADCOUCH: Yeah man fr that was like the first celeb death that I really felt
GC: Let’s move away from music for a second: you get one day you don’t have to work and it is totally up to you how you spend it: what do you do????
In short, tell me what a perfect day is like for you.
BREADCOUCH: I’m probably gonna smoke a bunch of weed, take my dog hiking, and then make some music lmao
GC: That sounds amazing! Do you live somewhere you can hike or you mean you’d go there?
BREADCOUCH: I live in Austin so there’s hella hiking spots in the vicinity def one of the allures of living here!
I live in Florida so I do trail hikes since it’s my only option lol with my pit, Stella.
BREADCOUCH: I bring my dog out too. She’s like a blue heeler mix of some sort named Zula, named after Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender
GC: Nice!!
Going back to music, now that we’re starting to come out of the pandemic, what are you most looking forward to? This answer can actually be music related or not, or both, up to you!
BREACOUCH: I’m hype to do shows!! I moved back to Austin during the pandemic so I haven’t had a chance to perform here yet
Shows are happening now so be on the look out for an announcement 👀
GC: Awesome!! You just released a single last month, that I previously mentioned, that turned me on to your stuff. What’s your creative process like?
BREADCOUCH: It’s real hodge podge I’m big on sampling so I’ll just listen through a bunch of clips I have saved for like hours and chop it up until I have a beat I can vibe and then freestyle lyrics until it hits right
GC: That’s awesome! Samples are always the wave. Where can we find your music?
BREADCOUCH: Everywhere! I typically use Spotify myself lol
This summer is boutta be a Breadcouch summer! I’ve got a lot of music and videos coming out in the upcoming months including a project called Butterflies which drops on 6/4. Visuals insane!
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