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Zoe Wees Takes Flight With ‘Golden Wings’

Photo Courtesy of Jeff Hahn

While the world was on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, over 250 million people pressed play to stream Zoe Wees’ powerful debut single ‘Control’. This single launched her global success and is featured on her new EP ‘Golden Wings’. Zoe Wees, a 19-year-old singer-songwriter from Germany, shares her story on why she creates music, the inspiration behind ‘Golden Wings’, and what she’s most excited for in 2022.

Wees began writing music in school as her own form of therapy. ‘Control’ touches on her struggles with anxiety and Benign Rolandic Epilepsy. When creating this song and her others, she focuses on the lyrics first and then the melody because she wants to write music that is “real shit” and displays her authentic self.

“I’m not going to do some, like any love songs, type of stuff, it’s going to be real, it’s all going to be emotions but things that people struggle with everyday. Yeah, so it’s no bullshit.”

‘Golden Wings’ is inspired by Wees’ great-grandma who passed away and her mom who told her that the ones who leave us are looking down on us with “golden wings”. Her song ‘Hold Me Like You Used To’ on this EP is also about her grandma and one that she finds most important and hopes that it helps others who are struggling through the same thing.

“This song helped me to accept what happened and to not look back again, and to just keep pushing myself,” Wees said.

With ‘Golden Wings’ already under her belt, Wees isn’t finished yet, her biggest goal is to go on tour. She has an upcoming European tour in 2022 and she can’t wait to see her ‘wings’ singing along to her songs.

She calls her fans wings because “Wings is actually a strength to me… I wanted to call them my wings because every time when I’m at my lowest they pushed me and made me feel like I don’t want to give up.”

From Germany to the world, it is clear that Wees is going to be a star that will continue to rise and show her raw and honest self.

Keep up with Zoe Wees here:


