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FASHIONABLY late to the party with Emei

After posting a live basement performance of her latest single “Late To The Party” on tiktok in the middle of midterms season at Yale, Emily Li aka Emei became an overnight sensation for writing the best quarter life crisis anthem. Based in New Jersey, this rising alternative pop artist is finishing up her very last semester of college while her music career is simultaneously blowing up!

“Late To The Party” promo

Emily’s music career blossomed after the moment her parents gifted her with a pink dell laptop. You can hear all about her music journey below!

The song “Late To The Party” put Emily on the map, so let’s hear about how it came about:

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“Late To The Party” Promo

You’re most likely here because a tiktok of an impromptu live basement performance of “Late To The Party” showed up on your For You Page! Emily breaks down how it all happened and reveals how she ALMOST didn’t post it:

The infamous tiktok of the live basement performance for “Late To The Party”

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During the live basement performance, Emily brought a box of lucky charms cereal. I’m sure you’re wondering “why?” Click down below to find out what the cereal was for and what General Mills sent her after seeing her tiktok:

Being on Chinese Idol not only gave her valuable experience she’d carry into the future, but also the realization of wanting to explore who she is and wants to be as an artist. As a Chinese American, she aims to continue bringing representation of her heritage by experimenting with Chinese-pop with her music. To hear about her experience being on a Chinese singing reality show and how it forever changed the course of her music career, listen down below:

For Emily, songwriting comes best in an environment that helps her concentrate. Listen below to hear the kinds of places you’ll find her at while she’s “in the zone!”

Of course, one of the reasons behind Emily’s success is because of her supportive network. Her parents have been right behind her since the very start. Listen down below to hear Emily gush about her amazing parents:

Look out for more of Emily’s music coming your way in the near future:

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